Just Do It!
Dreams > Goals > Start > Action > Doing!
… Disambiguation.
…. . . .Inertia.
. . . . . . Death by Numbers.
Just Do It!
Dreams > Goals > Start > Action > Doing!
… Disambiguation.
…. . . .Inertia.
. . . . . . Death by Numbers.
Oh be careful famous Tweep what you Tweet; be careful famous Tweep what you Tweet; cause the Timeline up in front is awaiting to upload your dump; Oh be careful famous Tweep what you Tweet.
Play it again!
Oops, Twitter did it again!
Apologies; that was beyond the pale.
Ohhhkay; enough humming along to my own tomfoolery, as we have another instructive tale of the tweeting tape.
Twitter. Read the rest of this entry »
This is breaking news in a New Zealand context.
A matter of moments ago, a Tornado has made landfall in the Albany region of greater Auckland, across the fabled Harbour Bridge.
Thanks to the wonders of social media; news; comments; pictures; Read the rest of this entry »
On Twitter this Friday, this Day even, Avatars are going Red n Black in a small social media sign of solidarity and support for our brave sons and daughters stuck in what looks and must feel like a war-zone.
Yes, the Pic to your left is mine.
I have gone with my historic Canterbury Jersey and some words that both encapsulate that moment, while also pointing forward to a new day. Read the rest of this entry »
All who are living in the confines of Aotearoa are aware that this is a significant time in our history.
In time we will remind our offspring of the raw human reality that has violently entered into our consciousness as we reflect with our generation on the date 22.2.11/.
“We Remember,” should be a rolling and rampant refrain as we reflect on this moment, this time, and this maniacal mayhem! Read the rest of this entry »
A report this day out of the Dominion Post is that the tweeting live after the event effect has struck again.
We should not be surprised at such realities, as the sporting pursuit encourages such impassions, with Twitter providing the immediacy to allow the emotions to tweet.
Let em Tweet! Read the rest of this entry »
A simple and a very subjective question while we’re on it!
Like the opinion of the circumspect design of this blog, it is very much in the eye of the beholder, and one’s basis for Tweeting infatuation will reflect much of what calls your inner person to stand to attention.
In light of this, I ask you to please open up and share which sporting individual you can’t help but follow… in cyber-space, stalker!
While you’re at the mike, don’t just stop there but please also share why! Read the rest of this entry »